
Arun Pradhan
Operation & Transportation Head

Dinesh Dhital
Finance Head

Bijay Dhoj Karki
Operation & Logistic Head

Bijaya Gurung
Procurement & Mess Supervisor

Parmeshowri Shrestha
Administration Officer

Puspa Raut
Front Desk Officer
Operation & Transportation Head
Finance Head
Operation & Logistic Head
Procurement & Mess Supervisor
Administration Officer
Front Desk Officer
Notice: Form Distribution
This is to inform all parents and guardians that application forms for students seeking admission to Grade 1 for the academic session 2025-2026 are now available.
Form Submission Process:
For queries regarding form submission, please contact:
Important Information:
School Visits:
Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit the school premises between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM from 3rd February to 18th February 2025.
For further inquiries, please contact the school office at 01-4374430 or 01-4374621.